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Re: keeping a copy

1999-11-15 18:09:02
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, ++++ Gary ++++ wrote:

g> Hi
g> Any guidance would be appreciated - thanks
g> is it possible to also receive a copy of the email from the sender ? At the
g> moment, the auto responder is emailed to them, but I don't receive their
g> email. Is this possible?
g> Thanks again
g> Gary

  I believe that if you add the c flag ie: :0c  it should do what your
asking for.

* ^TOinfo
*!^X-Loop: info(_at_)web-hosting(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk
|(formail -r -A "Precedence: junk"\
  -I"From: Auto Reply " \
  -I"Subject: Information Request " \
  -A "X-Loop: info(_at_)web-hosting(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk"; \
  cat $filedir/info.txt ) | $sendmail -t

        S.Toms - tomas(_at_)primenet(_dot_)com - New homepage coming soon
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