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Re: MIME attachment killer won't work

2000-01-10 18:44:05
At 08:18 PM 01/10/00 -0500, Jon Walthour wrote:
Hello, everyone.

I'm sorry if this question has been asked a million times, but I'm new to this list and really need an answer. Like I'm sure many other Unix mail users, I'm constantly getting these WINMAIL.DAT email attachment from Microsoft Mail users. I'm trying to get procmail to simply cut them out. According to Jari Aalto's website, it's possible with his recipes--especially pm-jamime-kill.rc. I'm just trying to get it to work. I've set up a proctest environment and am running an email through a proctest.rc to get the syntax correct. Nothing works; the attachment stays and I'm getting more and more frustrated. Here's the recipe I'm using.

PMSRC = /usr/local/src/pm-code #This is where I unzipped the file.

# General MIME attachment killer
INCLUDERC = $PMSRC/pm-jamime-kill.rc

Could someone please set me straight?


On a related note, is there any way to do the following:

If MIME (or any, for that matter) attachment, then
        a. Drop MIME part
b. Autorespond to sender telling them that MIME/any attachment was dropped

This would be useful.

Mark (no, AOL does NOT own us)

   W. Mark Herrick, Jr. <markh(_at_)va(_dot_)rr(_dot_)com>          _.._        
       Senior Security Administrator             ,','"_:./\/\,'_ `.`.
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