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Re: Trouble with multi-line MATCH

2000-02-16 11:51:13

"SR" == Stan Ryckman <stanr(_at_)sunspot(_dot_)tiac(_dot_)net> writes:

SR> Ralph Sobek wrote:

Also if, I modify the second condition to include
the *next* line, as follows:

* 9876543210^0 B ?? $ ()\/^.*$?.*\<(${words})s?\>.*$?.*

the match fails entirely.

SR> Doesn't $? expand to the exit code of the previous command here?
SR> I'm guessing you'll want ($)? in the two spots that occurs.

I figured that one out, after I sent my request.  In fact, I just
anti-slashed those two occurences of $ followed by ?.  Philip, is
there any difference in efficiency between \$? and ($)?.  Do they mean
the same thing?

SR> Hope that helps,



Dr. Ralph P. Sobek                Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own.
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ordered by importance.
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                                                    -- Mary Benson (1964)