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Re: procmail configurations

2000-03-02 08:38:09
Lars Hecking commented my earlier suggestion:

* ^Subject:.*\[gamedancers]

 This still won't work. The problem with this condition is
 that the whole subject line is eaten up by .*.

No, it isn't. This matches (modulo capitalization) any
line that contains
  - at the beginning the literal "Subject:",
  - then any number of arbitrary characters,
  - then the literal "[gamedancers]",
which is exactly what we want. (Well, probably, see earlier

 I am not sure whether the second colon at recipe start is required.
 The original action line is


 Doesn't the trailing slash imply maildir delivery?

Oops, sorry. Ian talked about a "folder", and I read that as
"file" without looking what he had actually written in the
recipe. My mistake.


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