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To: Header Substitution

2000-03-21 00:40:57
Here's what I'm trying to do....

I have two domains let's call them ABC and XYZ for ease...
ABC is the main domain and XYZ is a fake IP which uses the SMTP server on
the main domain.
*All* mail from both domains goes into one POP account on ABC
I want to forward all mails sent to to a different address, however
there is a complication which is out of my control...

The server has been set up (out of my control) so that all e-mails are
getting rewritten by the server so that they appear to have been addressed
to whatever(_at_)ABC(_dot_)com
Thus if I send an e-mail to test(_at_)XYZ(_dot_)com it arrives at my procmail 
with headers like....

Received: from MYLOCATION with SMTP id SAA15742 for <test(_at_)XYZ(_dot_)com>; 
Sun, 12
Mar 2000 18:30:03 -0800 (PST)
From: "Simon Daykin" <Simon(_at_)Byte-Sized(_dot_)com>
To: "test" <test(_at_)ABC(_dot_)com>
Subject: test

This means that the SMTP server (or something) is rewriting the To: header
to send it to the main domain.
I am trying to write a procmail recipie to rewrite the mail back to it's
original format (or remove the fact that it is a fake IP)
So far I have the following which works but isn't right as it sends using an
incorrect To: field


* ^Received:.*\<for\>.*XYZ\.com
| (formail -k -X"From:" -X"Subject:" -X"To:" \
  -i"To: test(_at_)XYZ(_dot_)com") | $SENDMAIL -t

This catches the mails ok and removes all the headers and creates a new
"To:" header correctly, what I really want it to do is to reconstruct the To
field correctly.

in Perl I should be able to do something like...

if ($LINE =~ /^To:(.*)@ABC/ ) {
    $LINE =~ s/ABC/XYZ/;

Presumably something like this is easy to do using either procmail or
formail but I can't seem to get the right combination, can anyone help

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  |____/ \__, |\__\___|    |____/|_/___\___|\__,_(_)___\___/|_| |_| |_|
E-Mail : Simon(_at_)Byte-Sized(_dot_)com           Web :

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