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Re: Procmail ruleset: what is wrong?

2000-05-11 13:33:07
ino-waiting(_at_)gmx(_dot_)net writes:
David Collantes (Mon 08.0500-09:16):

   :0 fhw
   | /bin/cat -; /bin/echo "<<< WARNING >>>"; /bin/echo " "

i'm no procmail guru, but is it not true for shell-quoting, that "<<< t >>>"
might be interpreted as redirection?  why not use single quotes to
eliminate this problem entirely?

 It is not a problem. The action line is fed into $SHELL, and
 (emphasis by me)

$ man sh
     The following characters have a special meaning to the shell
     and cause termination of a word u_n_l_e_s_s_ quoted:

          ;  &  (  )  |  ^  <  >  newline  space  tab