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Re: Failed Delivery

2000-05-14 11:10:47
Ralph SOBEK <sobek(_at_)irit(_dot_)fr> writes:
Using procmail 3.14, I have my .forward as follows:

"|IFS=' ' && p=/usr/local/bin/procmail && test -f $p && exec $p -t -Yf- || exi
t 75 #sobek"

As I understand it, if procmail tries to deliver to a mail file, and
it fails, either cannot create lock or cannot write to file, then the
e-mail gets requeued.  And it will be retried later when sendmail gets
around to it, right?


When is the decision made to send to $DEFAULT?

Procmail stop processing as soon as it invokes a delivering recipe that
doesn't have the 'c' flag.  If it doesn't do that before it runs out of
rcfile, it attempts delivery to $DEFAULT, and failing that, $ORGMAIL.

If you set the HOST variable to something besides the machine's hostname
as returned by either uname() or gethostname(), procmail will abort the
current rcfile and go to the next rcfile on the command line.  If there
are no more rcfiles on the command line then procmail will not deliver
the message but still return success (a zero exit status) to the invoker.

I still cannot see how an e-mail to a particular mailing list ended up
in a SPAM mailbox.  Once that the mailing list is detected, there is
delivery possible in a number of files, but not further on in my SPAM
checking code.

Turn on VERBOSE and try running the message through your rcfile again.

Philip Guenther

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