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Re: two questions wrt. distribution recipes

2000-06-13 12:27:26
From incomail  Tue Jun 13 10:02:57 2000

If procmail sees several names in the To: or Subject: lines, I
want the message to be delivered to everyone whose names are
found.  However, if it can't deliver to anybody, I want it to
deliver it to me.


But then a simpler idea came to mind:


    :0 c
    * (^(TO|Subject):.*(fred|fredrika))
    ! fred
    [[ etc. ]]

    # If any of the above succeeded, then LASTFOLDER will be modified
    # (doesn't seem to work though if you use if the above deliveries
    #  are blocks like:
    #   :0c
    #   * ^TO_fred
    #   {  
    #      LOG="message for fred"
    #      :0
    #      ! fred
    #   }
    # in which case LASTFOLDER may not be updated to reflect "! fred"
    # out here)

    * LASTFOLDER ?? NotDeliveredToAnybody
    ! me

The second problem is procmail insists on modifying the 'From '
line, no matter what command line switches I have tried.  All
'From ' lines say the message came from the account that ran
fetchmail and procmail.  I'd like to have the 'From ' lines be
left alone, or at most update the timestamp.

I should think that

         mda "/usr/bin/procmail -f -"

would work... not?  I've only ever used procmail from sendmail so I
don't grok its behavior when invoked directly from fetchmail...

Thanks.  The LASTFOLDER idea appears to have worked.

Unfortunately, the -f idea for keeping the "From " line intact
did not work.

Thanks again,

Robert Riches

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