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Re: I need help

2000-06-23 14:27:25

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Brandi Johns wrote:

We support mutiple domains on our Nameserver.  Right now the way it
works is I can get mail at me(_at_)domain(_dot_)com where is any 
of the
domains we support.  I want to be able to set up the same name but send
it to different domains.  Example Bob(_at_)domain1(_dot_)com and 
I do not understand how to do this and if it can be done just with
sendmail or with procmail also.  Since all users have to be unique can
this be done?

Please reply ASAP

I am doing exactly this on our system and i use the following easy recipe
each virtual domain has its own mail users like
domaina1 domaina2 domaina3 domainb1 domainb2 domainb3 .....
in case i need to send mail to more then one user on different domains
i create another user lets say da1_da2
and i set entries in the virtusertable that sends all mail for 
"bob(_at_)domaina" and 
"bob(_at_)domainb" to that user da1_da2.
That user will then have a .forward file containing the mail adresses of the 2 
bobs of the domains i want the mail to be delivered to.
That is all you really need to do

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