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Re: Off topic: perl

2000-06-29 09:42:13
I use perl in my procmail scripts but never with the MailTools mod.  Maybe
something I should look into.  Anyway, give us an example of what you need
your perl script to do and maybe we can help.

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Lars Hecking wrote:

Sorry people, this is really off topic, but I don't know where
else to ask, and I think the expertise is available on this list.

I know that many are using perl scripts in procmail recipes. Does anyone
know a good alternative to the MailTools module from CPAN? Its memory
requirements for large emails are outrageous (> factor 10), but I simply
need to process such emails, even if they only make up <5% of all traffic.
The author refuses to address the issue ...

Please reply off-list. Thanks!

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