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Re: How can I test weather procmail is working or not ?

2000-07-27 21:36:13

Hello Sir,

weather:        Is it raining?
wether:         A sheep that once was male.
whether:        How do I test whether...

Now we have that straight;-)

I tried to use a recipe to check if my procmail works but it does not work,
and know I want to put my finger on the problem and ask if the problem is
from my procmail or the recipe I wrote, to do so I list the situation below,
help if possible:

I have the following lines in my :

Mprocmail,      P=/usr/local/bin/procmail, F=DFMSPhnu9, S=11/31, R=21/31,
                A=procmail -Y -m $h $f $u

does this mean that the local delivery agent is procmail, and if yes how can
I test and if
no how can I make it the LDA.

To see what sendmail's doing, read the sendmail log. On my system (Linux) it's 
in /var/log/maillog.

You might also find reading sendmail documentation and running the attached 
script helpful.


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