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Re: Delivery to bin

2000-07-27 21:41:57
Procmail goes directly for the file /var/spool/mail/root where by
default all mail comes to rest when it is delivered, but only in each
users individual file.  

    I have two accounts setup, root in /root and jes in /home/jes

    Each has the following forward

.forward = "| exec /usr/bin/procmail"

    Neither has .procmailrc

    Mail sent to jes(_at_)romance(_dot_)lightlink(_dot_)com is delivered to

    Mail sent to root(_at_)romance(_dot_)lightlink(_dot_)com is delivered to

    On my SunOS system, running the same version of procmail,
mail sent to root is delivered properly to root and not bin.

You don't mention your distro... afaik most|all invoke procmail directly from 
sendmail. Check your /etc/

Don't you get the delivery you want without ~/.forward?

here's how procmail looks here:
[summer(_at_)possum summer]$ dir -l /usr/bin/procmail
-rwsr-sr-x   1 root     mail        76432 Feb  8 04:51 /usr/bin/procmail
[summer(_at_)possum summer]$ 

Standard RHL 6.1 (in this respect).

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