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getting MTA to pass recipient information

2000-07-28 11:46:01
Eric Hilding has been writing to me privately about a situation at his sys-
tem, but there has turned out to be an MTA problem that needs to be taken
care of before procmail can do the rest of the job, so I'm taking this back
to the list.

Eric has a domain, -- "xx" is literally the name, not a substitution
I'm using.  A lot of spammers think there's no such place or that "xx" is a
cool name to claim to have if you spread porn, or that it must be a porn site
and deserves any false mail it gets, so they are continually using it as a
forged return address or envelope sender address.  Eric's domain gets huge
amounts of incorrectly routed NDNs and incorrectly addressed autoresponses as

He wants to be able to distinguish mail for the one valid 
user(_at_)xx(_dot_)com address
from that for all the fake ones provided by miscreants to third parties.  He
was hoping to do that by having procmail parse the "for" phrase in the
Received: line, but now he's getting pieces with no "for" phrase, probably
because they are for more than one address  So this has reduced to
the virtual domain problem, where the MTA needs to invoke procmail with the
proper recipient information, using -m, -a, or -a and -d, because procmail
will not be able to find it in the headers.

Never having run a system, I know zilch about configuring MTAs, so I hope
someone else can help out.  Since this is equivalent to the virtual domain
fallacy, surely there is an FAQ or a web page that deals with it in the
requisite detail.

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