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Re: multiple actions --> spoke too soon

2000-07-29 09:03:35
At 15:39 2000-07-28 -0400, jack wallen jr wrote:
okay someone had responded giving me this solution (i've removed the

* ^TO_\/(_dot_)+procmail(_at_)*
| /usr/bin/play ~/sounds/asterisk.wav

Well, uhm, the message gets piped into the player, and then processing 
stops.  Well, an error condition will arise from the fact that 'play' no 
doubt won't read any of the message from STDIN.  I know how that's handled 
for FILTER ('f' flag) rules, but on deliveries, I expect it blows the 
message to the wind.

I think I did this once; the mail didn't get delivered by that recipe. In my 
case, the mail was just to initiate a program; discarding the message would 
have been find. I added a cat - >/dev/null to the recipe.

In any case, the more conservative approach I mentioned; deliver then make 
noises, avoids this issue.

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