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Re: Conditions Limitation

2000-08-14 08:40:29
Collin told Eric, seeing Eric was dropping some mail to /dev/null,

| Ouch!

Eric is *trying* to get rid of a lot of junkmail he receives, so it could be
that he wanted that piece lost.

| Alternately, rather than putting the msg into /dev/null, put it into
| "spam.Thu" or something like that (where the suffix comes from
| date(1)).  You can do something like this to save one day's worth of
| messages.  To prevent unsightly buildup of spam, you could be sure to
| purge "spam.Mon" after reviewing your logs Tuesday morning.  (You could 
| also uncomment the ":0 fbwi" recipe inside the block, but then you
| could only recover the first few lines of "false-positive" spam.)
| The following recipe is only minimally tested!
|     :0
|     * Looks_Suspicious ?? YES
|     {
|         TodaysSpam=spam.`date +%a`

It's inefficient to run the date binary for every incoming message.  If the
items come in with From_ lines, use procmail's MATCH facility to extract the
day of the week from there.

|         # :0 fbwi
|         # | head 
|         :0
|         $TodaysSpam
|     }

Just in case the piece is not really spam, lock that folder (perhaps Collin
is used to saving to directories) with a second colon on the flag line.

Collin's suggestion is good, but I'd code it this way:

  * Looks_Suspicious ?? YES
  * ^^From +[^ ]+ +\/(Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat)

I wouldn't filter it through head because, if it's a false positive, you'll
want to be able to read the whole thing.  (If there were no risk of false
positives, the original dump to /dev/null would have been perfect.)

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