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Re: Procmail and Maildir/

2000-08-14 23:30:49
Thanks for your suggestion... but I thought for Maildir format, there 
are subdirectories like Maildir/cur Maildir/new and Maildir/tmp ?

You could do that.  My setup is MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail whereas
DEFAULT=/var/spool/mail/collin .

Cos the last time I tried, if the receipent doesn't have a Maildir in 
his home directory and I specified DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/Maildir/ , procmail 
will auto create the above directory structures for the user. But if I 

Really?  If you say

    $ echo -e 'MAILDIR=$HOME\nDEFAULT=$MAILDIR/Maildir/' > .procmailrc
    $ rm -rf $HOME/Maildir
    $ cat > .forward
    "|IFS='     '&&exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75"
    $ echo hello | mailx -s test $LOGNAME

then procmail will create $HOME/Maildir/new/ and put the new message

were to specify DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/Maildir/new/. , and if the directory 
doesn't exist, it will bounce back the email to the sender.

This is how it usually works for me; the directory must exist first.

What exactly is in your .procmailrc?  Is it just those two lines,
setting $MAILDIR and $DEFAULT ?  Do you INCLUDERC= anything?
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