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Re: spam from zoo sex animal farm

2000-09-23 13:02:28
Wow!  Potent stuff.  Thank you very much.

If I may impose just a little more

* !^From:
* ^Subject:.*((hot|wild) and horny|sex with animals)

How is this ORing rather than ANDing?  Can you please explain this in plain
English (as you can tell, I'm pretty slow)?
btw, I went with the below easier to follow equivalent.

Would this work globally if placed in a file named /etc/procmailrc?

And finally, if I wanted to added additional sick, dirty and repulsive terms
to the Subject, would I add:

........ animals|other terms|and so on)

to the end of the line?

Thanks again so much for your help!

Also, I'm assuming that your mailer divided "sex with animals" onto two
without a backslash and that your rcfile doesn't have it that way, but you
do need the parentheses to keep "^Subject:.*" out of the alternation, and I
just do not know what you had in mind with the asterisks after the pipes.

I had in mind just exactly what you've done.

Actually, I should think you'd want to OR those conditions rather than

* ^From:
* ! ^Subject:.*((hot|wild) and horny|sex with animals)
{ }

or this easier to follow equivalent:

* !^From:

* ^Subject:.*((hot|wild) and horny|sex with animals)

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