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Re: formail : No such file or direcory

2001-02-26 13:14:03
Collin told Kiran,

| Now given the below, I would have expected:
|   procmail: Executing "(/usr/bin/formail,-rt,-APrecedence: junk 
(autoreply),-A,X-Loop: test12_vacation, cat, /home/test12/.autoreply) | 
/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi"

I'd have expected it without the commas, since the pipe between formail and
sendmail should make procmail call a shell to handle the command sequence.
The presence of commas indicates that something is cutting off the command
before procmail gets as far as the pipe character, and procmail's agglutinat-
ing the left parentheses implies that it isn't getting all the way to the
right parenthesis.

The blank parameter that the logfile reports after "X-Loop: test12_vacation"
is also telling; it implies strongly that there is something to the right of
the backslash on that line.

Kiran, follow Collin's second suggestion (to check whether there's any
trailing whitespace to the right of a backslash) and also his third (to
put a semicolon between formail and cat).

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