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Re: attaching a line to the end of an email message

2001-03-03 14:46:10
Timothy asked,

| I'm currently using  two little scripts to rid myself of AOL and MS
| Outlook users who send HTML email by default when there is no need for

First, Timothy, you should use sed's -e or -f options to put multiple
instructions into one sed call, the way you sometimes have done with
semicolons, instead of piping from sed to sed.

| Currently I'm modifying the Subject: line to let me know when the above
| has run, but I would prefer to drop a little line at the bottom of the
| body of the email saying:
| {this message modified by unhtml.rc}
| (Note that I would like to also insert 1 blank line to come before that
| inserted line)

One of the places where you are already sedding the body, add -e before the
first argument of sed instructions and this afterward:

 -e "$ a\\
{this message modified by unhtml.rc}\\

Some versions of sed may need this to get a blank line below the added text:

 -e "$ a\\
{this message modified by unhtml.rc}\\

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