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Re: attaching a line to the end of an email message

2001-03-03 18:18:17

First, Timothy, you should use sed's -e or -f options to put multiple
instructions into one sed call, the way you sometimes have done with
semicolons, instead of piping from sed to sed.

Thanks... I'm just getting past the point of just copy/pasting sed to 
understanding how it works a little more, and how to string commands 
together is something I'm just starting to figure out.

Anyway, taking your suggestion, here is what I have come up with

* ^Content-Type: multipart/alternative
        * ^From:(_dot_)*(_at_)aol\(_dot_)com
        |sed -e "$ a\\
{this message modified by unhtml.rc for AOL users}\\
" -e '1,/Content-Transfer-Encoding: /d; /--part/,$d; s/=A0//'

        * ^X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook
        |sed -e "$ a\\
{this message modified by unhtml.rc for Outlook users}\\
" -e '1,/Content-Transfer-Encoding: /d; /------=_NextPart_/,$d; 
s/=$//g; s/=20//g'

In case you have trouble seeing where the line breaks should be, you 
can also find it at

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