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Re: Help on simple spam filter

2001-03-06 18:06:41

Well, you could add another output to signal that.

      * WHERETO ?? ^^tag:\/.*
              TAG = $MATCH

              :0 fhw
              * ^Subject:\/.*
              |formail -i"Subject: $TAG$MATCH"

     Thanks Philip.  Is there a book on procmail that explains
in detail how all this works, in particular the flow of data?

     I guess what I don't understand is procmail has a copy
of the mail and hands it off to a script like formmail above,
how does procmail replace the copy it has with the new copy
generated by formmail above?

     Also various items like :0 f and w etc are given very
skimpy data in the man pages, makes it hard to really grasp things
like whats the difference with calling a script without the fw and
with it.

     Is there a 'bat book' for procmail :)

     Thanks for all your help.


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