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Re: Recipe to strip attachments

2001-03-25 15:31:30

Hi Darryl. I'm just guessing, but you might try :0 wf to get procmail
to wait until the filter is finished.


Darryl Beckett writes:


I am hoping someone out there can help me. I have written a perl script =
which searches for MIME boundaries in a message and based on the header =
content will strip out the MIME section and replace it with something =
else or filter out certain content from the section (such as HTML script =
and object tags). The perl script reads the message in on STDIN and =
writes all its data out onto STDOUT.

I have incorporated this script into a procmail recipe to which looks =
like this:
:0 f

The recipe works beautifully but sometimes the messages that are =
filtered are delivered into the user's mailbox with the first 1 or 2 =
lines missing.

Recently I made a modification to the perl script which would save the =
original text of each message into a file. When one of these errors =
occurs I can then find the file that contains the original text (as =
procmail sent it to the script). I can then process it through my perl =
script (from the command line). When I do this the correct content is =
generated (i.e the first 1 or 2 lines are contained in the output). The =
only thing that I can fathom is that there is a problem in the way that =
my perl script communicates with procmail

Does anyone out there have any suggestions for what the problem could be =

  Darryl Beckett

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