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Re: Append Signature to *some* outgoing emails

2001-04-19 10:37:39
On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Lars Hecking <lhecking(_at_)nmrc(_dot_)ucc(_dot_)ie> wrote:

Erick Perez - CriptoData S.A. writes:

A friend suggested the use of procmail to append a company disclaimer to
emails sent from our mail server.

 Unless you have tight control over the format of messages sent, this is
 highly complicated.

There's also the more important non-technical issue of whether such
corporate-legal weasel words actually have any standing in law. A number
of test cases need to be fought in the US, Canadnian, English, European,
... courts to determine whether such weasel words do have any meaning in
law. That, typically, such purple passages are not added to FAXes,
voicemail, and especially not to written correspondence makes me beieve
that they have no standing what-so-ever.

My view is don't bother with them. They reduce bandwidth. They irritate
the receipients when they receive yet another wmail suggesting that the
sender does not trust them.

Regards, Trevor

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