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Re: Extracting delivery date from Header

2001-04-20 03:24:41
On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 10:16:45AM +0200, Günter Hofmann wrote:

can anybody tell me, how I extract the delivery date from the header
of an incoming mail.

Thanks in advance

I'd suspect that by "delivery date" you mean the instant the message is
processed by procmail:

Simply add this to your recipe:


Now what do you want to do with that precious info?

On an unrelated topic: I noticed a horrible header in this lists'

X-Mailman-Version: 2.0rc1


Why don't you guys eat your own dogfood and run Smartlist? 


Ah, I see, the web interface... never mind.

    OENONE: Le peuple, pour le voir, court et se précipite.
            Je sortais par votre ordre, et cherchais Hippolyte ,
            Lorsque jusques au ciel mille cris élancés...
                                          (Phèdre, J-B Racine, acte 3, scène 3)
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