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Re: Help disgnose!!!

2001-05-02 03:11:38
* Don Hammond <procmail1(_at_)tradersdata(_dot_)com> [20010501 15:43]: writing 
the subject 'Re: Help disgnose!!!'
Don> On  1 May, Lars Hecking wrote:
Don> | 
Don> | > # Prepare and send notification
Don> | > # Be sure to customize for your sendmail path
Don> | > | (formail -r \
Don> | >        -i "Subject: Returned e-mail: Password or privileges required" \
Don> | >        -A "X-Loop: wash(_at_)everest\(_dot_)wananchi\(_dot_)com" ; \
Don> | > echo   "************************************************" ; \
Don> | > echo   "*  This response message is computer-generated.*" ; \
Don> | > echo   "************************************************" ; \
Don> | > echo   ; \  
Don> | > echo   "Email password required!" ; \
Don> | > echo   "Please include (${PASSWD_}) anywhere on your subject line." ; \
Don> | > echo   "Then kindly resend your e-mail to 
wash(_at_)wananchi(_dot_)com") ; \
Don> |                                                              ^^^
Don> |  Swap ) and ; .
Don> | 
Don> | >        | $SENDMAIL -t
Don> |  
Don> | > Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting ")")
Don> | > procmail: Non-zero exitcode (2) from " (/usr/local/bin/formail -r \
Don> | >         -i "Subject: Returned e-mail: Password or privileges required" 
Don> | >         -A "X-Loop: wash(_at_)everest\(_dot_)wananchi\(_dot_)com" ; \
Don> | 
Don> I think the trailing semi-colon after the last command is required
Don> inside a group command {}, not inside of a sub-shell (), and I don't
Don> think the trailing semi-colon after the closing paren hurts.  But that
Don> assertion is shell based (bash version > 2.0), not procmail based. I
Don> don't know if that's true for sh, or for that matter for whatever shell
Don> Odhiambo Washington (the original author) has set.
Don> But beyond that, I think the log and the copied/pasted recipe (if done
Don> faithfully) are telling a different story.
Don> This line above: 
Don> echo       ; \   
Don> has space(s) after the line continuation (\). [disclaimer] I haven't
Don> checked the rest of the code for errors that might appear after this one
Don> is fixed, because this isn't the kind of recipe I have experience with.

I have set /bin/sh.

After removing the trailing spaces (you were damn right on that) now it
goes a step further and complaints:

echo    "Then kindly resend your e-mail to wash(_at_)wananchi(_dot_)com") ; \
        | $SENDMAIL -t"
Syntax error: "|" unexpected
procmail: Non-zero exitcode (2) from " (formail -r \
        -i "Subject: Returned e-mail: Password or privileges required" \
        -A "X-Loop: wash(_at_)everest\(_dot_)wananchi\(_dot_)com" ; \

But I figured that out and now things are okay. I had to do away with the 
trailing semi-colon also.

Thanks for the help.


Odhiambo Washington Wananchi Online Ltd.,
wash(_at_)wananchi(_dot_)com 1st Flr Loita Hse
Tel: 254 2 313985 Loita Street.,
Fax: 254 2 313922 PO Box 10286, 00100-NAIROBI,KE.

Sex is the mathematics urge sublimated.
                -- M. C. Reed.

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