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Re: procmailization of vacation/forwarding CGIs

2001-05-24 15:50:44
If procmail is implemented system-wide where every user's .forward file
is owned by root and contains the line:

Do they each *have* to have their own .procmailrc?

Or can they all just be configured using /etc/procmailrc?

For example, it would of course be much easier to implement /etc/procmailrc
as (among other things):

   * ? test -f $HOME/.forwardrc
   { INCLUDERC=$HOME/.forwardrc }

   * ? test -f $HOME/.vacationrc
   { INCLUDERC=$HOME/.vacationrc }

So I experimented with it and it didn't work.  Can anyone help?


p.s. my complete /etc/procmailrc which didn't log to $HOME/.procmail.log

* ? test -f $HOME/.forwardrc
{ INCLUDERC=$HOME/.forwardrc }

* ? test -f $HOME/.vacationrc
{ INCLUDERC=$HOME/.vacationrc }

* ^Subject:(\<)*(show diskquota|show quota|quota -v)$
   # Make sure we're running as the user
   DROPPRIVS = yes

   # replace the body of the message with the quota info
   :0 bfiw
   | quota -v

   # Optional: give up on the /etc/procmailrc now.  Only
   # works with 3.14 and later, and maybe only 3.15.1, I
   # can't remember.  Uncomment if desired.
   #SWITCHRC = /dev/null
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