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Re: Netiquette questions

2001-05-30 17:28:49
On Tue, 29 May 2001, CueMan wrote:

Sorry if this runs the risk of being off-topic, but where else
might I sample the most expert collective wisdom of current Internet
email netiquette.

Dumb question (I really don't know) #1:

Is there a reason going around for using only lower-case text in email

Yes.  The reason is that it is the proper way to communicate in
written English.  Typing IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is not proper
written text, is difficult to read, and in the context of defacto
standards is interpreted as SHOUTING.

Dumb question (Thought I new, but I might not) #2:

When 'Replying' to an email message, an 'Re: ' is inserted at the
beginning of the 'Subject: ' field, does 'Re: ' stand for 'Reply'
or 'Regarding'?

Most common email software prefixes the Subject of the message
with "Re:" when replying to email to indicate to the recipients
that it is a reply to some previous email.  You can think of it
as meaning "Reply to", or "In regards to" or whatever.. they all
mean essentially the same.  Fwd: or Fw: means "forwarded", as
does (fwd) appearing on the line as well.

You might want to search on Google for the words "email
netiquette" for further details.

Good luck,

    Mike A. Harris  -  Linux advocate  -  Open Source advocate
       Opinions and viewpoints expressed are solely my own.

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