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Re: finding the location of the global rcfile?

2001-07-10 11:05:47
Nancy McGough <nm-this-address-is-valid(_at_)no(_dot_)sp(_dot_)am> writes:
My question: If the global procmailrc file is located somewhere
other than /etc/procmailrc, how can a user find out where it is?
If I do a "man procmail", it says:

 /etc/procmailrc        initial global rcfile

I'm wondering if the man page is always be built so that it
includes the location of the global procmailrc on the current
system? If it is, I'll tell people to look in "man procmail" to
find out the location of the global procmailrc file on their

Assuming that the manpages are from the same install as the binaries,
the manpages should indeed contain paths that match the binaries.

Philip Guenther
Procmail Maintainer
procmail mailing list

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