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Re: Input of an extracted field value to a script

2001-08-19 02:02:52
Harsha Vardhana R <hvardhan(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com> writes:
I need to extract a word from 'Subject' field and and pass it on to a script
for further processing.
I am extracting the first word in the 'Subject' field.

My $HOME/.procmailrc contents are


This is probably better written as


depending on whether the procmail package directory should override
other items in the path.

STRING=`formail -zxSubject:` #(get the subject field)
S1=`echo $STRING | cut -f1 -d ' '` #(Extract the first word)

Frist of all, why didn't you combine those into a single command?

        S1 = `formail -zxSubject: | cut -f1 -d ' '`

However, procmail's match operator would be _much_ more efficient:

        * ^Subject: *\/[^ ]+
        { S1 = $MATCH }

No external commands needed.

* ^From.*hvardhan
* ^Subject:.Status
| $HOME/ProcTrial/ProcessString "$S1"
procmail: Couldn't determine implicit lockfile from 
procmail: Locking ".lock"

Is it a problem is more than one copy of the script was run at once?
If not, then you don't need the locallockfile and should remove the
second colon from the ":0" line.

If you do need a lockfile, you should explicitly specify its name.  As is,
procmail doesn't have enough information to associate the action with
a file being changed, so it uses ".lock" as the name of the lockfile.
To quote the procmail(1) manpage:
       Couldn't determine implicit lockfile from "x"
                              There were no `>>'  redirectors  to
                              be  found,  using simply `$LOCKEXT'
                              as locallockfile.

procmail: Error while writing to "/users/hvardhan/ProcTrial/ProcessString"

Does your ProcessString script read its stdin?  By defaul, procmail
assumes that if a program is supposed to handle the delivery of a message
that it'll read in the entire message.  If your script doesn't do that
then you should put the 'i' on the recipe.  To quote the procmailrc(5)
       i    Ignore  any write errors on this recipe (i.e. usually
            due to an early closed pipe).

Philip Guenther
procmail mailing list

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