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Re: mail forwarding/ filter problem.

2001-08-21 03:49:48
On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 04:51:35PM +0400, Steve Sykes wrote:
* ! ^TO_ssykes(_at_)emirates\(_dot_)net\(_dot_)ae

should dump all mail that is not addressed to me, I still get mail that
doesn't seem to have my address in the header.  i.e. To:
undisclosed(_dot_)recipient(_at_)123(_dot_)com etc.

     If the regular expression contains `^TO_' it will be substi-
     tuted by `(^((Original-)?(Resent-)?(To|Cc|Bcc)|(X-Envelope
     |Apparently(-Resent)?)-To):(.*[^-a-zA-Z0-9_.])?)', which
     should catch all destination specifications containing a
     specific address.

Your address is in a Bcc field (Actually, it's probably in "Apparently-To:" or
"X-Envelope-To:", since Bcc: is stripped off by the sending mail server."

Issue # 2 is that in the base.rc, The recipes:

* ^From:.*infobeat
! srs

* ^From:(_dot_)*(_at_)list(_dot_)euniverse(_dot_)com
! srs

should send any mail from infobeat or *(_at_)list(_dot_)euniverse(_dot_)com 
to srs.  This
doesn't happen although other mail forwards fine to srs.  The recipes look
fine, I must be missing something.

The .procmailrc files calls the includes in the order list, spam, base.  The
log file seems to be correct and reflects the actual incorrect mail

How 'bout showing us a copy of your log?

Andrew Edelstein        -       andrew(_at_)pure-chaos(_dot_)com
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