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Re: how to handle case

2001-09-14 06:04:31
On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 11:02:35PM -0500 or thereabouts, David W. Tamkin wrote:

It is far better to identify mail from a list by some header that the list
software inserts or clobbers and not by anything under the poster's control.
The best choice will vary from list to list; List-ID is ideal if the list
uses it, but for various lists you may need to rely on Mailing-List:,
X-Mailing-List:, Sender:, or even 'From '.  The casing of the list's name
there will always be the same in every post, so if you extract it into
$MATCH you'll always get the same value, including the same casing.

i noticed hence i'm rewriting my recipes to use this headers that
posters can't touch.

And Rino, please post in straight text.  Wrapping things as attachments adds
bulk without adding content.

sorry?  i'm posting from mutt in linux using vim.  all text.  maybe
you're talking about how outlook express handles mails from mutt.

"In is out and out is in.  But out is out and in is in."
        -- Pumbaa

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