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Re: Badtrans signature for local-rules

2001-11-27 18:55:53
On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, PR wrote:

fwiw... I just got a slew that were just over 28k... filenames like
humor.mp3.scr and info.doc.scr and such...

I've also received some where the type= and boundary= parameters of
the multipart/related line were reversed, so that checking for the
trailing semicolon after one or the other caused the filter to miss.

Here's what I'm using right now:

* > 20000
* < 50000
* ^Subject:.*Re:
* ^Content-Type:.*multipart/related;.*"?multipart/alternative"?
* ^Content-Type:.*multipart/related;.*boundary="====_ABC
* B ?? ^Content-Type: audio/x-wav;
* B ?? ^Content-ID: <EA4DMGBP9p>
{ VIRUS="BadTrans worm" }

(I have a later recipe that checks the contents of the VIRUS variable.)

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