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Breaking news alerts (procmail and sed)

2001-12-05 08:52:04

I've signed up for 'Breaking News' alerts from MSNBC and CNN.  I wanted to
forward them to my cell phone (which only takes 160 characters) so I came up
with a few procmail recipes that also use sed

I offer them as a thank you in case anyone else would like to do the same.

Two sed questions (GNU sed version 3.02.80)

1) the MSNBC alerts come through with

                MSNBC Breaking News

at the top of each message.  I'm getting rid of that with egrep, but if
there's a sed way to do it that would be more efficient

2) Is there a way to make
        sed '/For more details/,$d'
   case insensitive?  That would remove the need for one of the lines below

(NOTE: $CELL is previously defined as my mobile email address)

* ^From: MSNBC_BreakingNews_NewsMail(_at_)MSNBC\(_dot_)COM
        :0 fb w
        * ^Subject:[    ]BREAKING NEWS
        | sed '/For more details/,$d' | egrep -iv  '(MSNBC Breaking News|^---)'

        :0 E fb w
        | sed '/FOR MORE DETAILS/,$d' | egrep -iv  '(MSNBC Breaking News|^---)'

        # Make the 'From' line shorter (save characters wherever you can!!)
        # and rip off the Subject line
        # and then add 'Precedence' and 'Errors-To' lines hopefully to
        # keep cell phone forwarded messages from bouncing back to the sender
        # if the cell phone is full/out of memory

        |formail -I"From: MSN <nobody(_at_)msn(_dot_)com>" -I"Subject:" 
bulk" -I"Errors-To: nobody"

        ! $CELL
# end msnbc

* ^From:.*(mailings|BreakingNews)@(mail\.)?cnn\.com
* ^Subject:.*CNN Breaking News
                # Trim the fat :-)
                :0 fb w
                | sed 's/^BREAKING NEWS from;/Watch CNN or log 
on/,$d;s/^-- //'

                ###     Send a copy to the cell phone
                |formail -I"From: CNN <nobody(_at_)cnn(_dot_)com>" -I"Subject:" 
bulk" -I"Errors-To: nobody"

                ! $CELL
# end CNN

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