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Re: What is wrong here?

2001-12-28 07:03:13
On 28/12/01 at 1:45pm, Martin McCarthy wrote:

|> |How are you invoking procmail, such that you expect "$1" to contain that
|> |part of the recipient address?
|> Yes, it is expected to have that part of the recipient address.
|I think we are talking at cross-purposes.  I understand what you want in
|$1.  Whether that value ends up in $1 and hence whether your procmailrc
|file can use it depends on your command line that runs procmail.  I
|don't know what your command line is that runs procmail.  It is the
|command line that I am asking about.  So that I can see whether your
|expectation of what should be in $1 makes sense.
|> But it I change $HOST for my own host
|If you change the value of HOST the procmail will stop processing the
|current rcfile.  The procmailrc man page has a bit to say about that.
|> own variable such as MYHOST="" and use it instead of $HOST
|> it will stop working. What can I do? What is wrong?
|In the logfile extract that you gave us (if I understand correctly what
|you're trying to do - I'm not at all sure that I do) the process had
|"failed" before you assign a value to MYHOST because $1 did not contain
|what you expected.

Yes, it failed because $1 did not contain what was expected. I use sendmail nad
procmail as local delivery agent. What do you mean with the command line the
runs procmail? The procmailrc I posted is .procmailrc, which procmail will run
while performing local delivery, I am right?

You mean, there is no way to change the value of HOST on procmail?

Thanks for your help. I really appreciated.


David Collantes
"The only source of knowledge is experience" - Albert Einstein

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