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Re: Why is formail escaping "From " ?

2002-01-14 09:28:54
Hi Martin.

> If you test just formail, for example, at a shell prompt:
>    (echo "From here"; echo "From there"; echo "From Everywhere") \
>    | formail -b -e -d -c -f -m 6 -s
> I get the output:
>   From here
>   From there
>   From Everywhere
> with no escaping.  Do you get escaped 'From's?

you´re right, the echo´ed lines are not being escaped. The switch works as it´s
supposed to.

> If you don't then the escaping is not being done by that formail command
> but by something in your .procmailrc file.  Probably you are delivering
> to a mailbox somewhere.  Mailbox format has escaped 'From's, so procmail
> will make sure that they are escaped when it delivers them.

Hmmmmm ... I did not know that procmail is also escaping fake from headers.
Why that ? Why does it matter for procmail if a mail is being delivered or
forwarded/piped ?

The Inbox I´m trying to split spans about 1,5 years. When the processing job is
done, I end up with a bunch of files that look like "2000.07", "2000.08", etc -
I don´t get why only some of these files have escape From lines and some don´t 
I´m using a 'grep "^>From " 200*' to determine if everything went smoothly and 
that about 50 % of the files do have the ">From"´s.

Is there any switch I can use to prevent procmail from escaping From´s ?

In case you´re wondering which recipe I use, it can be found at the follwowing

Am I supposed to change the delivery lines to look like this ?:
  | cat >> $YYYY.$MM

I´m confused.

Thanks for the help ! :)



Emre Bastuz
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