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is this procmail rant justified?

2002-01-30 07:06:12
One of my ISPs is and there seem to be a number of
people there who really scorn procmail. This message, which is
now on the web here


was recently posted to the local pair.mail newsgroup. Since I'm
not a C programmer, I don't know if he's correct when he says

---begin excerpt of procmail rant---

 The implementaion in C is abysmal and is just as unreliable and
 insecure as you would expect of any C code that doesn't check
 return codes from system and library calls and uses fixed size
 buffers with no bounds checking.  (Core dumps?  Check.  CERT
 advisory?  Check.)

 Aside from the execrable quality, the orginal author confuses
 mail envelope addresses with mail header addresses,

---end excerpt of procmail rant---

What do you all think -- does this guy have some valid complaints
about procmail or is he ranting unjustifiably?


ii Procmail QStart: <>

Nancy McGough           <>           Infinite Ink
--== Sent via Pine: IMAP, NNTP & ESMTP for Unix/MS Win/MacOS X ==--

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