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Re: is this procmail rant justified?

2002-01-30 07:22:19
From: Nancy McGough <nm-this-address-is-valid(_at_)no(_dot_)sp(_dot_)am>


 Aside from the execrable quality, the orginal author confuses
---end excerpt of procmail rant---

What do you all think -- does this guy have some valid complaints
about procmail or is he ranting unjustifiably?

I don't know enough C to answer the question, though by
inductive reasoning I'd think that we'd have heard this
stuff long ago if it had a rat's-ass chance of being true.

But what I do know enough about to judge is the poster's
English.  He doesn't know a dangling modifier when one bites
*his* ass.  So I'm inclined to be skeptical of his ability
to parse code.

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