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Re: matching multiple lines

2002-04-11 23:07:45
++ 11/04/02 16:32 -0500 - David W. Tamkin:
| Is there an easy way to match on multiple lines, regardless where in the
| regexp the new line starts? I have regexps like these:
Rik Kabel had one: use  (\<)+  instead of a space.  (\>)+  works as well.  \<
and \> can match newlines.

Got that working. Now I'm experimenting a bit more, I no have:

  RN = "( |((\<)+[       ]?))"

This should make it possible to match either:
  - a space
  - a newline
  - a newline, followed by one or more whitepace.

We'll see what this will bring...

Thank you for your suggestion and quick answer, thanks to Rik for the


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