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Re: DSN blockage?

2002-04-19 15:45:15
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 12:24:55PM -0700, Mail Guy wrote:
Hey All - I'm a LONG time user of procmail, and just now looking into
something that kinda scares me.

Read/Delivery receipts (DSN) seem to prove to scumbag spammers that we
exist.  I'm guessing I can block them with procmail, and before I start
looking into it, thought I should ask.

Anybody doing this?

Formail seems the obvious immediate choice.

I've never seen a MUA yet that doesn't at least have a config option to ask
you before sending such a receipt. To my knowledge, there are no MTA's that
send them automatically. It's all controlled by the MUA, so it's not much of
an issue.
A bigger problem with scumbag spammers is the use of html mail and image tags
with unique URLs.

Andrew Edelstein        -       andrew(_at_)pure-chaos(_dot_)com
"If you're not pissed off at the world then you're just not paying attention."
                                Kasey Chambers "Ignorance"
"If you're not frightened by this, you're simply not paying attention."
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