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Re: Configure procmail for webmail (sendmail)

2002-06-15 12:11:50
At 15:58 2002-06-15 +0800, aj(_at_)ns2(_dot_)umcsd(_dot_)um(_dot_)edu(_dot_)my 
did say:
As I want to set up user quota on each user, I found out it's easier to
move the incoming mails to /home directory for the quota control.

Okay, so is the PROCMAIL question, "how do I move the messages elsewhere", or is it "how do I properly handle filesystem quotas" ?

If you enforced quota control on a filesystem mounted at /home/, you'd wrap the user's mail and other file use into one quota -- which would have administrative benefits - people publishing lots of web stuff would have less space for mail (unless they received extra allocation in their quota), whereas people not hitting you for webspace and just using email services would have more space left for email. Everybody is equal - they can divvy up their personal 10MB or whatever as they see fit.

As result, all the new incoming mails go to /home/user/maildir/new

Unless I missed something (and admittedly, I didn gloss over your code changes, not wanting to refer to the source to verify what the settings were BEFORE your changes), the following, placed in /etc/procmailrc should have accomplished much the same thing without requiring any source code change:


This even could have been defined based on, say, the user belonging to the "webmail" group:

# if user is a member of the webmail group, change their default delivery
# as appropriate to their webmail-ness.  You could write a simple "checkgroup"
# utility to check to see if a given user is a member of a given group - the
# system calls are simple, and this would result in less overhead.
* ? groups $LOGNAME | grep -q \\\<webmail\\\>
        # and conceivably do other things as well.

How can I let my webmail knows where to look for the new directory?

Uhm, isn't this like a job for your webmail application, completely independant of procmail? Ostensibly, somewhere in the webmail program it must have been looking to /var/spool/mail originally -- so change the code to look to the user dir which you've changed procmail to deposit the messages in!

A bigger problem (and perhaps it relates to your POP3 access by the webmail interface?) is users who use POP3 to retrieve email (if you permit it) -- your POP3 (and imap for that matter) daemon needs to be modified to look elsewhere for the mailbox. Not surprisingly, this isn't something you are going to achieve with procmail -- you'll need to hack the sources to those programs, looking to their respective support channels for information on how to do that. In the end, you might find that leaving the mail spool in the standard location provides for considerably less grief on many fronts.

BTW - when enforcing mail quotas, watch out for tools which make a _copy_ of the mailbox file when it is open (being downloaded by the user or whatever), as new mail arriving during that time can conceivably be bounced even though the user is barely over half their quota. No, I don't have specific daemons to cite here, but if you're going to enforce mailbox quotas, you should consider whether this is a possibility in your case.

Ive tried to set up my /etc/profile as below too :

/etc/profile is used by certain shells. That is, when users log in interactively via a shell. I rather doubt your webmail stuff it going to make use of anything you put there. It is likely that your webmail is running as the webuser (the user which the webserver is running as).

My main problem is : to set up mail quota for each user as I dont want
users to receive any mails once they have exceeded the mail quota set up
for them.

Keep in mind that you still get hit for the network reception of the full message and THEN your MDA rejects it because of quota issues (in some cases, sending the WHOLE MESSAGE BACK in the bounce to the sender, thankyouverymuch). You might consider how much you really need to enforce mail quotas (say, monitor how many users go over the proposed limit and how often and then gauge the true need - or perhaps you've done this already), or consider billing based on use (average daily mbox size or something like that - if the users receive lots of email (perhaps having a 10MB mailbox for 30 minutes - but promptly pull it down off the server rather than letting it accumulate, they're not being a big problem - no more so than the users who check mail every five minutes and have a constant stream of email coming in).

System administrators often use the default /var/spool/mail for mail because it's the standard location for mail. Because it's one dir (instead of dirs underneath the individual user dirs), you can also make it a mount point for a different filesystem (with it's own mail-specific standard filesystem quotas). Alternatley, you could make another filesystem and link each /home/user/maildir/ directory to it (a benefit to this is that root and other select users need not have their email stored on the same filesystem as the users who may collectively overflow their filesystem if the system administrator isn't paying attention to disk use, regardless of whether root and the other special users may not have defined quotas - but that's a lot of links you really shouldn't need).

Using procmail as the LDA should automatically result in quota handling on accounts where there is user quota enabled on the filesystem where the message is being delivered. Have you simply tried setting a filesystem quota for a test user and throwing messages at them?

I do hope you can advise me on my problem. I've explored on the internet
about this problem and most of it points to procmail. I just dont know how
to integrate the procmail with the webmail.

How is it that you're trying to integrate it? Procmail could place messages into different mailboxes and be done. The webmail webmail software should be able to retrieve the messages from where you're placing them (and one would assume you're choosing where to place them based on your desire to have the webmail access them at that location, or is there something I'm missing?). Procmail could insert extra headers to identify destination mailboxes and still drop the message into the mail spool:

(presuming that DEFAULT is set to the users' system mailbox)

* some condition
| formail -A"X-Webmail-MB: SOMEMAILBOX" >> $DEFAULT

If you're asking how to allow for web users to create procmail rules via a web interface, well, this was brought up again in just the past couple of days, so a review of the list archives might be order, and you could participate in that separate discussion. Procmail itself doesn't include any web interface components, but other people have had the desire to make canned recipes and allow users to configure them via the web.

If procmail can successfully deposit messages where you want it to, it would seem that your webmail application is what needs to be changed to look in the right place. Thus, the change needs to occur in your webmail app (and as nifty as PHP may be for web scripting, it isn't what this list here is about).

BTW - if the webmail is homegrown, you might implement a "X messages totalling Y kbytes of mail have been bounced since you last checked email because your mailbox was full" indicator so that repeat offenders KNOW that they should be checking email more often -- many users with mailbox full problems are oblivious to the fact that they're not recieving all of their email, or why -- after all, it isn't them receiving the bounces. It'd be nice if AOL and Hotmail did this for their users -- who are by far the most prolific "mailbox full" users on mailing lists which I manage.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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