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Re: $1 $2 $3

2002-07-08 21:00:58
Homer Wilson Smith <homer(_at_)lightlink(_dot_)com> writes:

   Version is 3.22.

   Would you show me quickly how to turn on verbose logging?


"Sorry, my arms are too short to reach the online manpages."


To quote from the list of magic variables in the procmailrc(5) manpage**:

       LOGFILE     This file will also contain any error or diag-
                   nostic messages from procmail  (normally  none
                   :-) or any other programs started by procmail.
                   If this file is not specified, any diagnostics
                   or  error  messages will be mailed back to the
                   sender.  See also LOGABSTRACT.

       VERBOSE     You can turn on extended diagnostics  by  set-
                   ting  this  variable to `yes' or `on', to turn
                   it off again set it to `no' or `off'.

Philip Guenther

** For those who have never been introduced to the online manpages under
UNIX, try typing the command
        man procmailrc
at the prompt.  It should show you the manpage that describes the procmail
rcfile syntax and how rcfiles are interpreted.  The space key should
move you forward in the file and 'q' should exit the manpage reader.
        man man
will give you more information about the 'man' command itself, and so on.
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