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Re: deleting mailing list footer

2002-08-05 14:44:32
When I posted,

| >  :0Bbfw
| >  * ()$$$^^

Hanspeter asked,

| Looks interesting! What does this achieve?

It checks whether the body ends in three (or possibly more) newlines.  If it
doesn't end in three newlines, then it doesn't end in two (or possibly more)
blank lines, so there's no reason to run the filter.

| >  | sed -e:a -e '/[^\n]/b' -e '$ P' -eN -eba

| Thanks

You're welcome.  However, I should have taken my own advice, as Udi pointed
out, and temporarily unset SHELLMETAS so that the left bracket in the sed
command won't trigger an unnecessary shell:

 savemetas=$SHELLMETAS # unless you already have done this higher up

 * ()$$$^^
 | sed -e:a -e '/[^\n]/b' -e '$ P' -eN -eba


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