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can't take credit (was attachment scanning)

2002-08-14 07:16:24
Udi wrote, addressing Bart,

| Thanks Bert, when David Tamkin tald me about I deleted the m/a
| lines as first-aid than I thought it is too brutal and I change
| it to mixed.  From your explain I understand that delete was ok.

It couldn't have been I.  I know nothing about MIME (except that 100% of the
multipart email I get should have been sent in single-part plain text;
whatever value MIME may have for someone else, for me it is an unalloyed
negative) and nothing about f-prot either (except that it's some sort of
antivirus software) and wouldn't give advice relating to either of them.  It
had to have come from somebody else, Udi.

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