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checking against blacklist

2002-09-28 13:14:40

I want to generate a blacklist automatically and check mail agains this 
list. The creation of the blacklist seems to work fine. I have a file 
containing the message ID of each mail my rule assumes as corrupted. I 
assume mails with a Subject beginning with "Re:" and not containing a 
non-empty "In-Reply-To:" line as corrupt. In other mailinlists one gets 
several mails destroing the threading :-). 
The following rule generates this list:
:0 c :                          #Falsche Replys markieren
* ! ^[Ii]n-[rR]eply-[Tt]o:...$
* [Ss]ubject:.*[Rr]e:
|egrep -E Message-ID: |awk -F " " '{print $2}' >>.falscheReplys

Afterwards I want to check the incoming mails against this list. Every 
mail coming in should be checked against containing this message-ID. 
Also Replies to the corrupt mail should be marked as corrupt by the 
next recipe. Then I want these mails to be dumped. I tried this way:

:0 Wh:
| egrep  -f .falscheReplys
|egrep -E Message-ID: |awk -F " " '{print $2}' >>.falscheReplys

And this way:

:0 Whc:
| egrep  -f .falscheReplys
|egrep -E Message-ID: |awk -F " " '{print $2}' >>.falscheReplys

:0 Wh:
| egrep  -f .falscheReplys

The file ".falscheReplys" is generted correctly. But nothing is arriving 
in the folder "listen-reste/".  I do not see why.


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