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RE: adding the headers of all messages

2002-10-17 11:03:04

-----Original Message-----
From: Nikolaus Hiebaum [mailto:news(_at_)hiebaum(_dot_)org] 

Thanks for pointing out the trailing colon.

I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier, but I am 
already using a
neat way to put the date on files through procmail.

So, here's what works:
D=`date '+%m%Y'`
:0 hwc:
| gzip -9 >> backup/headc_${D}.gz

You're welcome.  And I'm glad that works for you.  I
still maintain that it's wasteful, though, to call
date for every mail you get when the information is
valid for a month at a time.  Consider having cron
update that information, too.


Dallman Ross

"If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably does not lead to
        Thoughts of Rev. Sunnan Kubose, from _Zen in the Markets_ 

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