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Environment Variable Set By Procmail With The Condition Matched?

2002-10-21 08:49:27

I've tried reading the documentation and the archives but can't find
this answer.

Is there an envrionment variable set by Procmail that contains the
matched condition?

Something similar to $MATCH, but instead of the actual message text, the
regexp that was being used that generated the match?

I basically want all my spam rules to use formail to insert a header
that gives this so I can tune the conditions to get rid of false
positives.  I'm using $MATCH right now and I really need the matched

I know this is in the log, but there's too much information to log all
the time.

I know I could also hard code the info in the rule itself (e.g. |formail
-a "X-Filter-Rule: Rule #100"), but I'd rather use the same actions for
all my rules if possible.

I'm sure many people have solved this problem and would appreciate any
insight (even if it's to point out a reason why this is stupid to do.)

Thank you very much,

Todd Goodman

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