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Re: Environment Variable Set By Procmail With The Condition Matched?

2002-10-21 12:47:06
From: Todd Goodman <tgoodman(_at_)sonusnet(_dot_)com>

Is there an envrionment variable set by Procmail that contains the
matched condition?


I basically want all my spam rules to use formail to insert a header
that gives this so I can tune the conditions to get rid of false
positives.  I'm using $MATCH right now and I really need the matched

I know this is in the log, but there's too much information to log all
the time.

I know I could also hard code the info in the rule itself (e.g. |formail
-a "X-Filter-Rule: Rule #100"), but I'd rather use the same actions for
all my rules if possible.

Instead of running formail for each recipe, you will want to collect
into a variable information on which was triggered.  Then write the
header at the end of that section.

        * some conditions
        { RX = "${RX:+$RX, }100" }

        * other conditions
        { RX = "${RX:+$RX, }101" }

        * other conditions
        { RX = "${RX:+$RX, }102" }

        * other conditions
        { RX = "${RX:+$RX, }103" }


Then, below:

        :0 fhw
        * RX ?? .
        | formail -I"X-Recipe: $RX"

That's very close to what I do.

Dallman Ross

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