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Re: whopping numbers of pong messages from Tom and in keeping with tradition our griping about their impinging on our mailboxex

2002-11-21 12:56:20
Tom Allison mused,

| > | Now if there is some way that I can be sure to limit the Subjec to
| > | only ping it would help.

I responded,

| > * ^Subject: ping$

Luke Davis asked,

| Wouldn't:
| * ^Subject:[ ]*\<ping\>[ ]*$

No, unless the subject is the last line in the head.  Remember that in
procmail, \< and \> need an actual non-word character (a space, punctuation
mark, or newline) to match to.  That's different from grep and perl, where \<
matches the zero-width transition from non-word to word and \> matches the
zero-width transition from word to non-word.

If you take out the \< and \> -- I'm assuming that each pair of brackets is
supposed to enclose a space and a tab -- then yes, that would work, and would
allow for varying amounts or absence of whitespace on either side of the word

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