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Re: Help me on this one please

2002-12-10 06:43:34
On 10 Dec 2002 dman(_at_)nomotek(_dot_)com (dman(_at_)nomotek(_dot_)com) wrote:
Nancy McGough <nm-this-address-is-valid(_at_)no(_dot_)sp(_dot_)am> wrote:

The next version of Pine (4.51)
has a new feature called


In short, and using language from legal analysis metaphorically,
Message-ID's that do not conform to the recommended syntax are
well overrepresented among spammers, and underrepresented among
legitimate correspondents.  And I score the mail accordingly.

Thanks dman. I'm going to forward a copy of your message to the
Pine team -- hopefully they'll at least put a warning about
spam-detection tools in the Help on this feature.

If anyone has any insight into how prevalent this (no valid
domain name in a Message-ID) is in spam-detection tools, please
let me know.


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