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Re: puzzled about a regexp

2003-01-12 16:31:02
I am more interested in the virus part of the recipe and that
is why it is mostly build on their specific behaviour

Why not use anti-virus software to find viruses, if you're
specifically or particularly concerned or vulnerable to
them in your situation?

xe xe.. I have two av soft in my win-box. The linux mail server is at my
university and I work remotely. I began writing the script for a friend that
receives about 8 MB of Klez in 4 days...!!
I don't care about receiving viruses.. actually I collect them and do some
research about 7 years now.. :-) (noticed that nothing goes to dev/null ??)
Its kind of fun for me and in the next few days I'll try to find a way to
scan doc for macros from procmail only (yes I know about THE sanitizer but
its with perl.. :p )

I still say you should start with simpler expressions
and then build them into your definition incrementally.

set1 = 'this|and|that'
set2 = 'yours|or|mine'
set3 = 'something|different'
fullmetaljacket = "($set1|$set2|$set3)"

I'll try from scratch when I get a clear head..

Thanx again

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